Bart Banino participates as speaker and panelist at the IATA Legal Symposium
Bart Banino spoke on two panels at the IATA Legal Symposium in Seoul, South Korea (February 2015). The panels were the Global Liability Snapshot and General Counsels Forum.
Bart Banino spoke on two panels at the IATA Legal Symposium in Seoul, South Korea (February 2015). The panels were the Global Liability Snapshot and General Counsels Forum.
Kathy Posner will be speaking at the 8th Annual McGill Conference on International Aviation Liability and Insurance in Montreal, Canada on April 17-18, 2015.
Marshall S. Turner will participate as a speaker at the 49th Annual SMU Air Law Symposium on March 26, 2015. Marshall will give a presenation on the Globaliation of Aviation Manufacturing: Avoiding
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Who’s Who Legal: Transport, an independent assessment of the world’s top practitioners in the transportation field, has named 13 leading Condon & Forsyth LLP attorneys for their work. The firm
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Kathy Posner is one of the editors, along with Tim Marland and Philip Chrystal, of the recently-published 4th Edition of the highly-regarded work, Margo on Aviation Insurance. Many chapters have
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Jon DeMay gave a presentation about social media entitled “An Overview of the Risks and Benefits of Social Media in Aviation” at Lloyd’s of London in the Old Library on
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Bart Banino spoke on two panels at the IATA Cargo Claims and Loss Prevention Conference in Singapore (4-6 November 2014). One panel was an interactive Judges panel assessing cargo claim
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Anthony U. Battista participated as a speaker and panelist at the Legal Analytics and The Business of Law Summit on November 18-19, 2014 in New York. Anthony spoke about The Challenges
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Anthony U. Battista will participate as a speaker and panelist at the Legal Analytics and The Business of Law Summit on November 18-19, 2014 in New York. Anthony will speak
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John Maggio participated in a panel discussion addressing passenger rights at the ALTA Aviation conference held in Hollywood, Florida (3-5 September 2014).