Bartholomew J. Banino
Partner, New York
T: 212.894.6818 F: 212.575.8217
E: vCard

Bart’s practice primarily focuses on aviation litigation and commercial matters.
Bart joined Condon & Forsyth LLP in 1998 and is a member of the Management Committee. He represents air carriers and other clients from around the world in cases involving mass air disasters, wrongful death, personal injury, cargo damage and loss, aircraft ground accidents, breach of contract, regulatory enforcement and employment issues. He assists air carriers in mass disaster and crisis management planning and also advises carriers and other clients on various commercial matters including contracts and leases. He frequently counsels carriers on regulatory, bankruptcy, employment and labor issues.
Bart was selected for inclusion in the International Who’s Who of Aviation Lawyers, Who’s Who Legal: Transport – Aviation (2012-2023), Who’s Who Legal: Transport – Regulatory (2023), and was recognized as a “Global Elite Thought Leader” in Aviation for North America. Each year since 2014, Bart has been highly recommended for his work by The Legal 500 United States, which also named Condon & Forsyth a top aviation law firm. He is listed as a Leading Aviation Attorney by Aviation Expert Guides (2015–2021) and as a Leading Aviation Attorney in the 2022 Best of the United States, Expert Guide.
Bart is a member of the Editorial Advisory Board for Transportation Law360. He has also been a part of several international advisory groups that have educated various governmental, judicial, and regulatory bodies regarding the implementation and application of international aviation law.
Bart was a Special Publications Editor for the Fordham Urban Law Journal at Fordham University Law School. He was also a Judicial Intern to The Honorable Lawrence M. McKenna, Senior District Judge, U.S. District Court, Southern District of New York.
His memberships include the Federal Bar Council, The Association of the Bar of the City of New York, the New York State and American Bar Associations.
Newsletters and Bulletins
Department of Transportation Issues New Rules Governing Refunds and Fee Disclosures
Federal Court Finds Montreal Convention Does Not Provide Basis for Personal Jurisdiction
California Federal Court Dismisses COVID-19 Refund Class Action Against Air Carrier
Montreal Convention Liability Limits Increase
Recent Federal Decisions Impact Recovery for Cargo Claims
Increased Vigilance on Compliance with Employment Regulations for Foreign Employees
New Registration Requirements for Small Drone Hobbyists
U.S. Supreme Court Rules that the Airline Deregulation Act Preempts Common Law Claims
Federal Appellate Court Upholds DOT “Passenger Protection” Regulations
MMSEA Section 111 Threshold Dollar Exemption Decreases April 1, 2012
Published Works and Presentations
Moderator, “Air Carrier Liability,” IATA World Legal Symposium, Shanghai, China (February 18-20, 2025).
Co-Author, “Aviation Law, USA,” Lexology, In-Depth (2024). (co-authored with Damara L. Carousis).
Speaker, “Greenwashing Claims in the Aviation Industry,” IATA World Sustainability Symposium, Miami, Florida (September 24-25, 2024).
Editor and co-author, The Liability Reporter, published jointly by Condon & Forsyth LLP and the International Air Transport Association (25th ed., 2024).
Moderator, “Litigation and Liability Snapshot,” IATA World Legal Symposium, Vancouver, Canada (February 21-23, 2024).
Speaker, “Rising U.S. Damage Awards,” The Insurance Institute of London (Webinar, January 2024).
Co-Author, Chapter 36, “Successive Carriage.” Chapter 39, “Contracting Carrier – Actual Carrier.” The Montreal Convention – A Commentary. (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023). (co-authored with Marissa N. Lefland and Damara L. Carousis).
Panelist, “U.S. DOT Developments and Artificial Intelligence and Litigation, Mata v. Avianca,” IATA Risk & Insurance Management Forum, London, UK (May 24-26, 2023).
Speaker, General Counsels Forum, IATA Legal Symposium, Paris, France (October 2022).
Editor and co-author, The Liability Reporter, published jointly by Condon & Forsyth LLP and the International Air Transport Association (24th ed., October 2022).
Speaker, “Cargo Developments and Issues Under Montreal Convention 1999 and Case Study,” IATA Cargo Claims & Loss Prevention Conference, London, UK (September 2022).
Speaker, “Claims Management and Handling in a Digital Cargo World,” IATA Cargo Claims & Loss Prevention Webinar (November 2021).
Panel Moderator, IATA Cargo Claims & Loss Prevention Webinar (October 7, 2020).
Editor and co-author, The Liability Reporter, published jointly by Condon & Forsyth LLP and the International Air Transport Association (23rd. ed., March 2020).
Speaker, Liability Panel discussing the latest appellate cases and broader themes relevant to carrier liability under the treaties and local law, IATA Legal Symposium, New York (February 2020).
Speaker, Panel on the interplay of domestic and international regulations, such as MC99 and the Cape Town Convention. ALTA Aviation Law Americas Aviation Industry Legal and Finance Conference, Quito, Ecuador (September 4-6, 2019).
“Aviation Financing & Leasing – United States.” Getting the Deal Through (Lexcology, 2019). (co-authors Keith M. Pinter and Chelsea M. Schell).
Speaker, Comparative Liability Panel and General Counsels Forum, IATA Legal Symposium, Rome, Italy (March 2019).
Editor and co-author, The Liability Reporter, published jointly by Condon & Forsyth LLP and the International Air Transport Association (22nd. ed., March 2019).
Speaker, IATA Cargo Claims and Loss Prevention Conference, Bangkok, Thailand (October 2018).
Speaker, Liability Update and General Counsels Forum, IATA Legal Symposium, Bangkok, Thailand (February 2018).
Editor and co-author, The Liability Reporter, published jointly by Condon & Forsyth LLP and the International Air Transport Association (21st ed., February 2018).
Speaker, IATA Cargo Claims and Loss Prevention Conference, Barcelona, Spain (October 2017).
Co-author, The International Comparative Legal Guide to Aviation Law – Chapter on U.S. Law, published by Global Legal Group Ltd., London (2017 Edition).
Speaker, Contractual Risk Management Panel and Airline Geopolitical Panel, IATA Risk and Insurance Management Conference, London, U.K. (May 2017).
Speaker, General Counsels Forum, IATA Legal Symposium, Washington, D.C. (February 2017).
Editor and co-author, The Liability Reporter, published jointly by Condon & Forsyth LLP and the International Air Transport Association (20th ed., 2017).
Co-author, Getting the Deal Through: Air Transport 2017 – Chapter on United States Law, published by Law Business Research Ltd., London (2016).
Speaker, IATA Cargo Claims and Loss Prevention Conference, Brussels, Belgium (October 2016).
Speaker, Focus on Cargo Liability and General Counsels Forum, IATA Legal Symposium, Barcelona, Spain (February 2016).
Editor and co-author, The Liability Reporter, published jointly by Condon & Forsyth LLP and the International Air Transport Association (19th ed., 2016).
Speaker, IATA Cargo Claims and Loss Prevention Conference, Montreal, Canada (September 2015).
Speaker, Global Liability Snapshot and General Counsels Forum, IATA Legal Symposium, Seoul, South Korea (February 2015).
Editor and co-author, The Liability Reporter, published jointly by Condon & Forsyth LLP and the International Air Transport Association (18th ed., February 2015).
Co-author, The International Comparative Legal Guide to Aviation Law – Chapter on U.S. Law, published by Global Legal Group Ltd., London (2015 Edition).
Speaker, Taking a Cargo Case to Court and Judges Panel, IATA Cargo Claims and Loss Prevention Conference, Singapore (4-6 November 2014).
Editor and co-author, The Liability Reporter, published jointly by Condon & Forsyth LLP and the International Air Transport Association (17th ed., February 2014).
Speaker, General Counsels Forum, IATA Legal Symposium San Francisco, California (February 2014).
Speaker, Judges Panel, IATA Cargo Claims and Loss Prevention Conference, Limerick, Ireland (November 2013).
Co-author, The International Comparative Legal Guide to Aviation Law – Chapter on U.S. Law, published by Global Legal Group Ltd., London (2014 Edition).
Negotiating a Settlement of an Aviation Accident Case. The Brief. American Bar Association (Fall 2013).
Speaker, panel on Passenger Rights Developments at the Aviation Law Association of Australia and New Zealand Conference, Sydney, Australia (May 2013).
Speaker, Panel on Criminal Proceedings Arising out of Aircraft Accidents, IATA Risk and Insurance Management Conference, London, U.K. (May 2013).
Editor and co-author, The Liability Reporter, published jointly by Condon & Forsyth LLP and the International Air Transport Association (16th ed., February 2013).
Speaker, General Counsels Forum, IATA Legal Symposium Berlin, Germany (February 2013).
Speaker, Judges Panel and Airlines’ Use of Social Media, IATA Cargo Claims and Loss Prevention Conference, Houston, Texas (November 2012).
Speaker, panel on Settlement Negotiation and Mediation at the annual American Bar Association, Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section (TIPS) and Aviation and Space Law Committee Seminar on Trial Tactics and Skills for the Aviation Practitioner (October 2012).
Editor and co-author, The Liability Reporter, published jointly by Condon & Forsyth LLP and the International Air Transport Association (15th ed., February 2012).
Speaker, Judges Panel and Enforcement Actions Involving Dangerous Goods. IATA Cargo Claims and Loss Prevention Conference, Shanghai, China (November 2011).
DOT Tarmac Delay Regulations Extended to Foreign Carriers. Condon & Forsyth LLP Client Alert (April 2011).
IATA Establishes Uniform Limit of Liability for Transportation of Cargo Across All Routes. (January 2011).
Contributor, The Liability Reporter, published jointly by IATA and Condon & Forsyth LLP. (14th ed., February 2011).
MMSEA Section 111 Mandatory Reporting Extended. Condon & Forsyth LLP Client Bulletin (November 2010).
Contributor, The Liability Reporter, published jointly by IATA and Condon & Forsyth LLP. (13th ed., February 2010).
Additional Responsibilities for Those Liable to Medicare Beneficiaries. Condon & Forsyth LLP Client Bulletin (August 2009).
Recent Developments In Air Carrier Liability Under the Montreal Convention. The Brief. American Bar Association (Spring 2009).
DOT Issues Notice Calling on Carriers to Update Tariffs on Baggage and Code-Share Liability. Condon & Forsyth LLP Client Alert (April 2009).
Co-Author, The Liability Reporter, International Air Transport Association (February 2009).
Speaker, Airline Liability Developments in 2008. American Bar Association, Forum on Air and Space Law, Washington, D.C. (January 2009).
Employer Duty to WARN Under Recent New York Legislation. Condon & Forsyth LLP Client Bulletin (January 2009).
Speaker, Update in Aviation Law. American Bar Association, Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section, Aviation and Space Law Litigation, Washington, D.C. (October 2007).
Attempts by Plaintiffs to Defeat Forum Non Conveniens Motions by Alleging Aircraft Owner or Lessor Liability. Condon & Forsyth LLP Newsletter (Winter 2008).
Recent DVT Litigation. Condon & Forsyth LLP Newsletter (Fall 2007).
Recent Cases Interpreting The Montreal Convention. Condon & Forsyth LLP Newsletter (Summer 2007).
Editorial Board, Jury Instruction Handbook, Aviation Law. American Bar Association (2005).